Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sausage and Roasted Vegetable Penne Pasta Dish........AMAZING!

I absolutely loved, loved this dish. It took about 30min to make AND consume a small bowl before I had to run out of the house. It definitely makes my top five favorite recipes list. I'll update with a photo of the finished dish soon.

You can alter the recipe and add other vegetables to this dish that are your favorites like mushrooms, asparagus or maybe carrots?

Sausage and Roasted Vegetable Penne Pasta Prep Time: <5min Cook Time: 30min Clean up: 5-10min

1 yellow onion, cut into wedges
1 medium zucchini, sliced into thinner sections about 1/2 inch long
1 red bell pepper,  sliced into small pieces
2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil used to coat the veggies
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
handful of pint grape tomatoes, washed and dried
4 medium/hot Italian sausage links, thinly sliced into small "meat balls basically". Or you could buy the sausage that is not in casings and roll them into small balls. It is extra work however.
1/4 cup white wine (pino grigio)
12 ounces whole-grain penne, cooked according to package instructions
Freshly grated Parmesan to top the dish

1.Preheat the oven to 400F, start boiling a pot of water to cook the pasta.
2. Chop up your veggies (except for the tomatoes, they are added later) and lightly toss in the olive oil and add some salt and pepper to taste. Place on a baking sheet covered in some aluminum foil and bake for 15min to caramelize.
3. Add the cherry tomatoes to the mixing bowl used previously for the other vegetables and toss lightly in the remaining oil. Cut up the sausage links and start to cook on medium/high heat in a skillet. No added oil necessary. Stir often though or turn the temperature down so they don't burn.
4. If the pot is boiling add the pasta, cooking according to the package directions, then drain and set aside till ready to add to skillet with sausage and vegetables once done baking in the oven.
5. When the 15minutes are up on the oven timer, stir the veggies on the baking sheet and add the cherry tomatoes, bake for another 15min.
6. When the sausage has been cooked, add a 1/4 cup of the white wine to the skillet and cook on medium/high scrapping the bottom of the pan with the spatula to deglaze.(Deglazing is a cooking technique for removing the browned food residue from a pan to make a sauce, when a piece of meat is prepared in a pan it leaves sugars in the bottom of the pan.)
7.When the veggies are done baking in the oven add to the skillet with about 75% of the pasta. See if there are enough noodles for your preference before adding all of them at once.
8. Serve with shredded Parmesan cheese on top. The flavor is really good and there is no sauce needed!

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